What Does Your Shopping Cart Look Like in South Orlando FL?
What Does Your Shopping Cart Look Like in South Orlando FL?

As my wife and I stood in the checkout line at the grocery store in South Orlando FL I realized how colorful our shopping cart was. Our cart was full of things like celery, beets, bananas, blueberries, chicken, brown rice, turkey, and much more. Almost everything was in its natural form and had no more than 1 ingredient. I curiously looked around and was shocked to see what some people had in their carts. One guy had 7 microwave Hungry Man meals and several bottles of “diet” soda. A woman with several kids had every snack food imaginable with all of her items in some sort of box or container.
Why this matters in South Orlando FL
The food you place in your shopping cart reflects your overall health and really has an impact on your future. The food I place in my cart is my greatest form of healthcare. I wonder how different our healthcare system would be if everyone cut the processed foods out of their lives.
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
12:00pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Health First Chiropractic and Nutrition
400 Gatlin Ave Suite A
Orlando, FL 32806